You know that neighbor who you always kind of spoke to from across the driveway. I had one of those…
Spinner of Tales is a blog of stories from my memories, shared with those who wish to hear/read.
Spinner of Tales is a blog of stories from my memories, shared with those who wish to hear/read.
You know that neighbor who you always kind of spoke to from across the driveway. I had one of those…
Who is the person writing this blog? A good question, not even sure I can tell you…and I am the one writing.
I learned different. And while sometimes I know I was a hard student to deal with, I made it through and beyond. My struggle led to me returning to that struggle everyday.
Everyone has a why to their story. Mine is not always an internal why, but rather one in a reaction to external support. But I need to remember that why and boost these posts.
Sometimes actions and emotions occur together. Angry actions for angry emotions is a no brainer. But what about when your child’s emotions explode and so does your rising bread (okay not a literal explosion, but it sure seemed like it wanted to)
I thought I would have time to do some weird things I always want to be a part of my daily life. Probably not what you planned to add to yours in your quarantine life. But what I found is…yeah no.
Some days can just kick you
Even when it seems like a struggle, there is always a way, and always a light somewhere in the tunnel.
The why I added a page to the website. A break from my stories, I hope these lessons can help you all make it through you days a bit smoother.
The plan of monthly learning…how can you get a 9 year old to be that intrigued for a month of learning on top of all other things he wants to do?
I was thinking of a way to add a sense of organized foods and learning to the month. This may be a short lived experiment, but lets see what happens with the planning and organizing of a teacher mom’s food planning and activity processing.
For some, reading is something that can consume you. Or it is just something that you know will take you somewhere else, a simple transportation device. I fall somewhere in the middle, but for others around me it is like water, something needed in their daily life.
When you experience something a second time, you always do it with a little extra knowledge. Even pregnancy can be this way. But sometimes the knowledge part makes us forget we still might have something to learn.
Much of the process of healing is taking that next step, even if you need to pause afterwards. The other part is the support you receive.
My Nana had the responsibility of putting in and letting out the farm’s donkey. I don’t think she liked donkeys much.
Childhood pets are memories that last our lifetime. Sometimes they are even our first best friends.
Indoor plumbing really is a fabulous invention. If you were the first in your neighborhood, where would you install your indoor plumbing?