Who am I?

Who am I?

I am only being slightly existential. It is more of explaining the me in this blog. I admit that i have slightly abandoned this, but life through the pandemic wound up being crazy for me versus the calm sitting I heard some others were doing.

Back to my existential crisis. Or rather, me explaining myself so that I may avoid a mid-life crisis.

I am many things, as most of us are. I am a daughter, wife, and mother. I am a high school teacher. I had my own classroom at 22, the children 10 and 11. And the following year I moved to where I felt I was meant to be. At 23 I had students just shy of my own age. In fact, I met a student in a bar one night. I remember that night vividly. It was a friend of mine’s bar. The student I had actually sent to the dean the day before. She greeted me using my name, she didn’t hide or just pass by me, she clearly announced herself to be in my presence. I turned to leave and realized I was in the right place, she was in the wrong place. I found my friend’s wife and told her that a certain patron might need to be escorted out. I remember her asking how I knew. “Because I sent her to the dean yesterday.”

Outside of being a teacher, I am a hobby gardener who wishes I had a whole farm. Yes, I would love to be able to feed my family year-round. But instead, it is where I find solace, a workout, enjoy watching things grow, and often scream at the squirrels for eating my plants. This year it is more screaming at the rats who eat everything at night.

I like doing weird and random hobbies. Yarn, vinyl, give me a glue gun. I don’t know. I see things on Pinterest and try it for myself.

The dog that bays/talks

We have animals. Sometimes I feel like they are coming out of my ears. The other day I was talking to one of my mentees about some shifts and changes we see, and the cacophony of noise at my house….I apologized. I have a talking dog. They call it baying, but she is talking to me. Then we have the old dog that barks whenever the vibe is happy. I had a rooster crowing. And then the cat joined in by meowing to be annoying. This did not include fish noises, or the bird we rescued that comes around Nor the numerous other animals I sometimes find living in my yard. And I think I want goats…

Let’s see, who else am I?

I am an avid music lover. Like….if it is music I will probably listen, I may not put it in my top ten, but I will analyze and tell you my opinion of the piece. I play instruments. Started with piano (typical I know). Then voice, then recorder, then flute, then guitar, then bass, then drums, then violin…somewhere someone tried to teach me cello. My daughter recently taught herself Ukulele, which meant I had to have a clue for when she asked for help. Not an expert, but I can do it. Oh, and I can play the Tin Whistle, and one of those noise flute things.

I hate nuts in my soft

“Okay, I like pecan pie. Ugh!”

I like baking overcooking. I like raw veggies over cooked. I do not like nuts in my chocolate. Or for that matter, don’t put nuts in anything soft. What the heck? What devil said try this? blech! soft soft, hard hard. Duh, what is wrong with people….okay, I like pecan pie. Ugh!

I am sure there are more facets to me. Things I don’t consider as being part of who I am. But we are all made up of every experience, every like or dislike, every sound bite we have heard, the voices, the accents, the stupid comments made at a poker table that we were fishing M&Ms off of at 5. Yes, I have had weird experiences okay! It is just that sometimes we don’t realize what has shaped us until later. Or in some cases, like mine, until someone tells you your normal ain’t normal.

The next door neighbor

The next door neighbor

My student story

My student story