My Why

My Why

Every action has a why. We get up in the morning for a reason, there is a why. Soemtimes that why is something as mundane as “I have to to go to work.” And sometimes we have an amazing why. I do not have a general example of this. But I am sure that many of you can think of an amazing why, either non-fictional from your own life, or fictional from what you may wish would happen.

I love stories. In a way I am a collector of stories. And often times, it is the stories from others that I love the most. But I have retold stories of my life to many many people. And whenever I do this, people make comments that I should write a book. I personally think that my story is one that either gives you an unbelievable smile (like the smile you give when you think someone is pulling your leg, not one that is from being impressed) or will cause you to cry. I don’t think tearful stories brings you many followers. But what do I know. Some people like to cry with others I guess. But I like to hear stories, so I will take what ever you have to offer.

So my why for this page was honestly to write down the stories that people like. But I think I have become reserved. So many of my stories have living entities in them. I don’t want to share a story and out someone, or to reflect onto someone a horrid story. We all have ups and downs. And I can tell you that everyone of my downs has made an impact that either caused me to turn and do better or taught me to be stronger or make stronger decisions in life. I do not look on anyone with anger. In fact, I am friends (sometimes merely social media friends) with almost every single ex-boyfriend. Sometimes even someone I just went on a date or two with. And there are others that we went on a date a determined we are good to never see each other again. But if I had a lived experience with you, I don’t want to not know you, I don’t want to kick you out of the rest of my story. Or maybe it is that I want to know the rest of your story. I have been told this is weird. I agree, for some this would be strange. But I have separated myself from that boyfriend girlfriend relationship, and now have a knowledge of that person that I can’t just toss them aside. Again, aware this is weird.

As I move forward, I am going to try and deliver on my why. I am going to come more often, and I am going to try to write more consistently on my stories. I will write from the 41 years I have stood on this earth (I mean that first year has stories, and I wasn’t using my legs to stand until about 8 months, so these may have to come under another title). If I am sharing someone else’s story, I will mark it as such. But I am going to work on my sharing shyness. I mean, it is so strange. I love to meet people and am rarely shy. So to be shy to share is a bit of a “doesn’t match this person” moment. Let’s see if I can hold to you.

My student story

My student story

I had a bit of a bread explosion...and maybe some attitude happens

I had a bit of a bread explosion...and maybe some attitude happens