Could I do a montly learning experiment?

Could I do a montly learning experiment?

As a parent I sometimes think about taking the opportunity to teach my children something. And then the teacher in me thinks that I am trying to make an extended learning project. And then I fear that I will fail, or get frustrated with my kids (like I can with students), but when they are yours that frustration can be so much more intense. I hate admitting that, but I find it to be true all too often.

I thought maybe we could learn about other cultures. Do one a month. (See, extended learning project). Then I went to see how I would pick a culture or country. And I became overwhelmed. I will be honest I did not Pintrest the idea to see if someone had planned out a calendar year of learning. And when I looked up January, there isn’t a January country of honor. I ran through feast days of saints (St. Hilary and St. Agnes came up, France and Italy). And then I remembered Burns day, good ol’ Robert Burns (Scotland).

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So now to decide. I am sure that both France and Italy will arise again in my searches of possibilities. I like the idea that I can attach the month to an author (darn English teacher in me). It means that I can do poems, or sayings, there are places locally that honor Burns Day (not that my kids will want to go eat haggis). But I can find some local connections to explore possibly. But I could also find the stories of Hilary and Agnes. I was thinking we could try to emulate the saints and what their good deeds were, or research areas they came from. Both have possibilities…

Since this is my first month of trying this experiment, I think that doing something with Robert Burns might give me an easier path to follow. I am thinking there would be more online resources to borrow from to ease me into this new idea. So let the experiment begin.

Change of plans...

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